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Occurrences<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1
Given an Iterable<A>, return a Map<A, Long> representing each unique element in the Iterable paired with its number of occurrences.
occurrences() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Occurrences
occurrences(Iterable<A>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Occurrences
of(Applicative<?, ? extends F>) - Static method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.Pure
Extract an Applicative's pure implementation to an instance of Pure.
Optic<P extends Profunctor<?,?,? extends P>,F extends Functor<?,? extends F>,S,T,A,B> - Interface in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics
A generic supertype representation for profunctor optics.
optic(Fn1<PAFB, PSFT>) - Static method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Optic
Promote a monomorphic function to a compatible Optic.
Optic.Simple<P extends Profunctor<?,?,? extends P>,F extends Functor<?,? extends F>,S,A> - Interface in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics
An convenience type with a simplified signature for optics with unified S/T and A/B types.
or(R) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Either
Return the value wrapped by this Either if it's a right value; otherwise, return defaultValue.
or(BiPredicate<? super A, ? super B>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.BiPredicate
Left-to-right short-circuiting logical disjunction.
or(Predicate<? super A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.Predicate
Left-to-right short-circuiting logical disjunction.
Or - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monoid.builtin
A Monoid instance formed by Boolean.
or() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monoid.builtin.Or
or(Boolean) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monoid.builtin.Or
or(Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monoid.builtin.Or
orElse(A) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe
If the value is present, return it; otherwise, return other.
orElseGet(Fn0<A>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe
If the value is present, return it; otherwise, return the value supplied by otherSupplier.
orElseThrow(Fn0<? extends E>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe
If the value is present, return it; otherwise, throw the Throwable supplied by throwableSupplier.
orThrow(Fn1<? super L, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Either
Return the wrapped value if this is a right; otherwise, map the wrapped left value to a T and throw it.
orThrow() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Try
If this is a success value, return it.
orThrow(Fn1<? super Throwable, ? extends T>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Try
If this is a success value, return it.
Over<S,T,A,B> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.functions
Given an Optic, a function from A to B, and a "larger" value S, produce a T by retrieving the A from the S, applying the function, and updating the S with the B resulting from the function.
over() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.functions.Over
over(Optic<? super Fn1<?, ?>, ? super Identity<?>, S, T, A, B>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.functions.Over
over(Optic<? super Fn1<?, ?>, ? super Identity<?>, S, T, A, B>, Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.functions.Over
over(Optic<? super Fn1<?, ?>, ? super Identity<?>, S, T, A, B>, Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>, S) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.functions.Over
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