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d(D) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice4
Static factory method for wrapping a value of type D in a Choice4.
d(D) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice5
Static factory method for wrapping a value of type D in a Choice5.
d(D) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice6
Static factory method for wrapping a value of type D in a Choice6.
d(D) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice7
Static factory method for wrapping a value of type D in a Choice7.
d(D) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice8
Static factory method for wrapping a value of type D in a Choice8.
demand(TypeSafeKey<?, V>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hmap.HMap
Retrieve the value at this key, throwing a NoSuchElementException if this key is unmapped.
Difference<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2
Given two Iterables xs and ys, return the distinct elements of xs that are not in ys.
difference() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Difference
difference(Iterable<A>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Difference
difference(Iterable<A>, Iterable<A>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Difference
diMap(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>, Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1
Exercise both diMapL and diMapR over this function in the same invocation.
diMap(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends S>, Fn1<? super T, ? extends C>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Exchange
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>, Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Market
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends S>, Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Tagged
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>, Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Cartesian
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>, Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Cocartesian
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>, Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Profunctor
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super Q, ? extends R>, Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.ReaderT
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>, Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>, Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMap(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>, Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Prism
Dually map contravariantly over the left parameter and covariantly over the right parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Effect
Contravariantly map over the argument to this function, producing a function that takes the new argument type, and produces the same result.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1
Contravariantly map over the argument to this function, producing a function that takes the new argument type, and produces the same result.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2
Contravariantly map over the argument to this function, producing a function that takes the new argument type, and produces the same result.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn3
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn4
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn5
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn6
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn7
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn8
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.BiPredicate
Contravariantly map over the argument to this function, producing a function that takes the new argument type, and produces the same result.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.Kleisli
Contravariantly map over the argument to this function, producing a function that takes the new argument type, and produces the same result.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.Predicate
Contravariantly map over the argument to this function, producing a function that takes the new argument type, and produces the same result.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Exchange
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Market
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Tagged
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Cartesian
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Cocartesian
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Z, ? extends A>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Profunctor
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super Q, ? extends R>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.ReaderT
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapL(Fn1<? super R, ? extends S>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Prism
Contravariantly map over the left parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn0
diMapR(Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1
Covariantly map over the return value of this function, producing a function that takes the same argument, and produces the new result type.
diMapR(Fn1<? super T, ? extends C>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Exchange
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Market
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Tagged
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Cartesian
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Cocartesian
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super B, ? extends C>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Profunctor
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super A, ? extends B>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.ReaderT
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
diMapR(Fn1<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Prism
Covariantly map over the right parameter.
discardL(Applicative<C, Choice2<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice2
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<D, Choice3<A, B, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice3
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<E, Choice4<A, B, C, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice4
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<F, Choice5<A, B, C, D, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice5
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<G, Choice6<A, B, C, D, E, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice6
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<H, Choice7<A, B, C, D, E, F, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice7
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<I, Choice8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice8
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<R2, Either<L, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Either
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_1Prime, SingletonHList<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.SingletonHList
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_2Prime, Tuple2<_1, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_3Prime, Tuple3<_1, _2, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple3
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_4Prime, Tuple4<_1, _2, _3, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple4
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_5Prime, Tuple5<_1, _2, _3, _4, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple5
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_6Prime, Tuple6<_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple6
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_7Prime, Tuple7<_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple7
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<_8Prime, Tuple8<_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple8
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Maybe<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<C, These<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.These
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Try<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Try
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Fn1<Unit, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn0
discardL(Applicative<C, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<C, RecursiveResult<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.recursion.RecursiveResult
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, App>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Applicative
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Compose<F, G, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Compose
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<C, Const<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Const
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Identity<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Identity
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Lazy<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Lazy
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, State<S, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.State
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<C, Tagged<S, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Tagged
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, Writer<W, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Writer
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, IO<?>>) - Method in class
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, M>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.Monad
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, M>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadError
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, MR>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadReader
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, M>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadRec
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, MW>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadWriter
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, SafeT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.SafeT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<R2, EitherT<M, L, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.EitherT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, IdentityT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.IdentityT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, LazyT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.LazyT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, MaybeT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.MaybeT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, ReaderT<R, M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.ReaderT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, StateT<S, M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.StateT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, WriterT<W, M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.WriterT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, MT>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.MonadT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<U, Iso<S, ?, A, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<U, Lens<S, ?, A, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<U, Prism<S, ?, A, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Prism
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardL(Applicative<B, LambdaIterable<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.traversable.LambdaIterable
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding this Applicative's result and returning appB.
discardR(Applicative<C, Choice2<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice2
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<D, Choice3<A, B, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice3
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<E, Choice4<A, B, C, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice4
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<F, Choice5<A, B, C, D, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice5
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<G, Choice6<A, B, C, D, E, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice6
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<H, Choice7<A, B, C, D, E, F, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice7
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<I, Choice8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice8
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<R2, Either<L, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Either
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_1Prime, SingletonHList<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.SingletonHList
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_2Prime, Tuple2<_1, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_3Prime, Tuple3<_1, _2, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple3
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_4Prime, Tuple4<_1, _2, _3, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple4
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_5Prime, Tuple5<_1, _2, _3, _4, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple5
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_6Prime, Tuple6<_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple6
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_7Prime, Tuple7<_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple7
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<_8Prime, Tuple8<_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple8
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<U, Iso<A, ?, B, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hmap.TypeSafeKey
discardR(Applicative<B, Maybe<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<C, These<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.These
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, Try<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Try
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<C, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Effect
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, Fn1<Unit, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn0
discardR(Applicative<C, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<D, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<E, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn3
discardR(Applicative<F, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn4
discardR(Applicative<G, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn5
discardR(Applicative<H, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn6
discardR(Applicative<I, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn7
discardR(Applicative<J, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn8
discardR(Applicative<C, RecursiveResult<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.recursion.RecursiveResult
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<D, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.BiPredicate
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<C, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.Kleisli
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<C, Fn1<A, ?>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.specialized.Predicate
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, App>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Applicative
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, Compose<F, G, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Compose
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<C, Const<A, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Const
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, Identity<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Identity
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, Lazy<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Lazy
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, State<S, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.State
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<C, Tagged<S, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Tagged
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, Writer<W, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.builtin.Writer
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, IO<?>>) - Method in class
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, M>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.Monad
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, M>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadError
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, MR>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadReader
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, M>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadRec
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, MW>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.MonadWriter
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, SafeT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.SafeT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, EitherT<M, L, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.EitherT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, IdentityT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.IdentityT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, LazyT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.LazyT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, MaybeT<M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.MaybeT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, ReaderT<R, M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.ReaderT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, StateT<S, M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.StateT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, WriterT<W, M, ?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.builtin.WriterT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, MT>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monad.transformer.MonadT
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<U, Iso<S, ?, A, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<U, Iso<S, ?, A, A>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Iso.Simple
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<U, Lens<S, ?, A, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Lens
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<U, Prism<S, ?, A, B>>) - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.optics.Prism
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
discardR(Applicative<B, LambdaIterable<?>>) - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.traversable.LambdaIterable
Sequence both this Applicative and appB, discarding appB's result and returning this Applicative.
Distinct<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1
Return an Iterable of the distinct values from the given input Iterable.
distinct() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Distinct
distinct(Iterable<A>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Distinct
DistinctIterable<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.internal.iteration
DistinctIterable(Iterable<A>) - Constructor for class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.internal.iteration.DistinctIterable
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice2
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice3
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice4
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice5
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice6
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.choice.Choice7
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct2
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct3
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct4
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct5
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct6
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct7
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Either
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
diverge() - Method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe
Diverge this coproduct by introducing another possible type that it could represent.
Downcast<A extends B,B> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1
Covariantly cast a value of type B to a value of subtype A.
downcast() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Downcast
downcast(B) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Downcast
Drop<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2
Lazily skip the first n elements from an Iterable by returning an Iterable that begins iteration after the nth element.
drop() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Drop
drop(int) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Drop
drop(int, Iterable<A>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Drop
DroppingIterable<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.internal.iteration
DroppingIterable(int, Iterable<A>) - Constructor for class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.internal.iteration.DroppingIterable
DroppingIterator<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.internal.iteration
DroppingIterator(Integer, Iterator<A>) - Constructor for class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.internal.iteration.DroppingIterator
DropWhile<A> - Class in com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2
Lazily limit the Iterable by skipping the first contiguous group of elements that satisfy the predicate, beginning iteration at the first element for which the predicate evaluates to false.
dropWhile() - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.DropWhile
dropWhile(Fn1<? super A, ? extends Boolean>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.DropWhile
dropWhile(Fn1<? super A, ? extends Boolean>, Iterable<A>) - Static method in class com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.DropWhile
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Z _ Ω 
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